Kiku's Legacy

Takahashi Emiko & George Okunoyama

Children of the American Occupation in Japan: the documentary.

Directed by Acclaimed Filmmaker/Producer:
Deborah Ann

Produced by 


After the end of World War II and occupation by the U.S. Military, Japan was faced with the problem of integrating the children born of American soldiers and Japanese women into their homogeneous society. The U.S. occupation of Japan after World War II left it not only democratized, but also westernized and forced it into a pacifist Constitution. It also left thousands of mixed-race children born to allied servicemen and Japanese women. 

In response to this societal crisis, one of Japan’s great filmmakers, このページを訳す, Tadashi Imai, a Japanese film director known for social realist filmmaking informed by a left-wing perspective,  undertook the making of the social realist dramatic feature film, Kiku and Isamu (キクとイサム, Kiku to Isamu). Completed in 1959, this this award-winning film addresses the subject of children from interracial relationships.

In 2023 we examine the lives of the two child actors who are living as “hafu,” mixed-race Japanese.

Kiku to Isamu (1959), Japan
Director: Tadashi Imai
Cast: Tanie Kitabayashi,
Emiko Takahashi
George Okunoyama

Kiku to Isamu (1959) SYNOPSIS

After the Second World War and the years after the American occupation of Japan, sister Kiku (高橋エミ子 Takahasi Emiko) and brother Isamu (奥の山ジョージ, George Okunoyama) live with their grandmother in a small village in the country.  Their mother was Japanese and their father was an African American GI. Because their color and hair are different from Japanese, they have a hard time, being bullied or treated like unusual creatures, while they see themselves as Japanese. It is notable for being one of the the first films in Japan to show to address the issues  of mixed race children and interracial relationships. 

Kiku and Isamu (1959)

Takahasi Emi
as Kiku

George Okunoyama
as Isamu

Kitabayashi Tanie
as GrandMother

Tadashi Imai
Kiku to Isamu
50th Anniversary Screening

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